I am a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Waterloo under the supervision of Aukosh Jagannath. Before this, I was a postdoc at ENS de Lyon under the supervision of Alice Guionnet, Florent Krzakala, and Lenka Zdeborová. I completed my PhD at the University of Toronto under the supervision of Dmitry Panchenko. My full CV is here.
- ACTSC 624: Stochastic Processes for Actuarial Science (Winter 2025)
Past Teaching
- STAT 230: Probability (Winter 2024) [+]
- APM 346: Partial Differential Equations (Summer 2020) [+]
- MAT 186: Calculus 1 (Fall 2019) [+]
- MAT 136: Calculus 1(B) (Summer 2019) [+]
- MAT 186: Calculus I (Fall 2018) [+]
Click [+] to reveal lecture notes
Publications and Preprints
- Pseudo-Maximum Likelihood Theory for High-Dimension Rank One Inference (with C. Grant, A. Jagannath)
Link to Manuscript
- On the phase diagram of extensive-rank symmetric matrix denoising beyond rotational invariance (with J. Barbier, F. Camilli, K. Okajima)
arXiv: 2411.01974
- A multiscale cavity method for sublinear-rank symmetric matrix factorization (with J. Barbier and A. Rahman)
International Zurich Seminar on Information and Communication (IZS 2024)
- Fundamental limits of Non-Linear Low-Rank Matrix Estimation (with F. Krzakala, P. Mergny and L. Zdeborová)
arXiv: 2403.04234,
Proceedings of Thirty Seventh Conference on Learning Theory (COLT 2024), PMLR 247:3873-3873
- Spectral Phase Transition and Optimal PCA in Block-Structured Spiked Models (with F. Krzakala and P. Mergny)
Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2024), PMLR 235:35470-35491
- Spectral Phase Transitions in Non-Linear Wigner Spiked Models (with A. Guionnet, F. Krzakala, P. Mergny and L. Zdeborová)
arXiv: 2310.14055
- Estimating rank-one matrices with mismatched prior and noise: universality and large deviations (with A. Guionnet, F. Krzakala and L. Zdeborová)
Commun. Math. Phys. 406, 9 (2025)
- TAP variational principle for the constrained overlap multiple spherical Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model (with D. Belius, L. Fröber)
arXiv: 2304.04031
- Optimal Algorithms for the Inhomogeneous Spiked Wigner Model (with F. Krzakala, A. Pak)
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36 (NeurIPS 2023)
- Low-rank Matrix Estimation with Inhomogeneous Noise (with A. Guionnet, F. Krzakala and L. Zdeborová)
arXiv: 2208.05918
- Spherical Integrals of Sublinear Rank (with J. Husson)
arXiv: 2208.03642
- The Crisanti-Sommers Formula for Spherical Spin Glasses with Vector Spins
arXiv: 1911.04355
- Free Energy of Multiple Systems of Spherical Spin Glasses with Constrained Overlaps
Electron. J. Probab. 2020, Vol. 25, No. 28, 1-34
- MAX \kappa-CUT and the inhomogeneous Potts spin glass (with A. Jagannath and S. Sen)
Ann. Appl. Probab. 2018, Vol. 28, No. 3, 1536–1572